vineri, 29 mai 2009
miercuri, 27 mai 2009
sâmbătă, 16 mai 2009
joi, 14 mai 2009
Reclama: Ce au reclama Levi’s Jeans si videoclipul Street Spirit in comun?
Muzica de vioara. Sarabande a lui Haendel. Un tanar isi ia avant si incepe sa fuga. Fuge. Si sare printr-un zid. Si inca unul, si inca unul. Alaturi de el apare o tanara, si ea fuge prin ziduri. Muzica se intensifica. Cei doi par a vrea a intrece moartea si viata si lumea. Muzica se domoleste. Ei isi trag putin duhul. Isi iau avant. Sar prin ultimul zid. Fug in sus pe cate un copac inalt. Se desprind de lume. Plutesc in sus. Libertate.
Cam asa arata una din reclamele la blugii Levi’s care acum cativa ani a facut furori, castigand multe premii. Reclama care imi ridica parul pe brate decat ori o vedeam.
Geniul in spatele acestui scurt filmulet e Jonathan Glazer, un regizor specializat in “scurt-metraje”, adica reclame si videoclipuri. Ii cunoastetei munca, a facut reclame la Stella Artois, Guinnes, Kodak, Levi’s si multe altele. Dar nu stiti el cine e, sin u stiti ca acele reclame se leaga prin el. Nici eu nu steam.
De curand am aflat, intamplator, ca reclama mea favorite are acelasi regizor ca si cateva din videoclipurile mele favorite. Asa ca am sa le postez pe cateva sa va faceti si voi o idee, pentru ca sunt cu siguranta printre cele mai interesante si originale videoclipuri din ultimii 20 de ani:
Levi’s Jeans: Odissey
Radiohead-Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Radiohead-Karma Police
Blur-The Universal
Observati cumva o tenta spre un anume film distopic?
U.N.K.L.E feat Thom Yorke-Rabbit in your Headlights
Cam asa arata una din reclamele la blugii Levi’s care acum cativa ani a facut furori, castigand multe premii. Reclama care imi ridica parul pe brate decat ori o vedeam.
Geniul in spatele acestui scurt filmulet e Jonathan Glazer, un regizor specializat in “scurt-metraje”, adica reclame si videoclipuri. Ii cunoastetei munca, a facut reclame la Stella Artois, Guinnes, Kodak, Levi’s si multe altele. Dar nu stiti el cine e, sin u stiti ca acele reclame se leaga prin el. Nici eu nu steam.
De curand am aflat, intamplator, ca reclama mea favorite are acelasi regizor ca si cateva din videoclipurile mele favorite. Asa ca am sa le postez pe cateva sa va faceti si voi o idee, pentru ca sunt cu siguranta printre cele mai interesante si originale videoclipuri din ultimii 20 de ani:
Levi’s Jeans: Odissey
Radiohead-Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Radiohead-Karma Police
Blur-The Universal
Observati cumva o tenta spre un anume film distopic?
U.N.K.L.E feat Thom Yorke-Rabbit in your Headlights
sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009
Reclamă: Alternative/Indie
Azi vreau să vă prezint două trupe mai mult sau mai puțin cunoscute, care cânte ceva între Indie-Rock și Rock-Alternativ amestecat cu Jazz, Blues și de ce nu? Folk. Înainte să vă speriați citind cuvântul rock, încercați să nu vă gândiți la Metallica și să le da-ți băieților o șansă.
Prima trupă se numește DeVotchka (adică “fată” în rusă, doar că trupa e din America)
Un sunet mellow, relaxant, pășind din când în când în zone mai alerte, cântecele lor par a fi când similar când complet diferite, păstrând elementele care te-au făcut să îi iubești, dar totuși dându-ți ceva nou la fiecare cântec nou; de vocea vocalistului să nu mai vorbesc, încă îmi da fiori în unele moment. Dacă ați văzut filmul “Little Miss Sunshine” veți recunoaște sound-ul, DeVotchka fiind vinovații în spatele soundtrack-ului minunat al filmului.
How it ends:
Till the end of time:
A doua trupă mi-a dat-o un prieten din Lituania acum câteva luni, și deși de obicei nu îmi place muzica oferită de alții, trebuie să recunosc că această trupă m-a prins din prima: The Tiger Lillies.
Prin anii ’80 niște tineri băteau barurile din Camden Town, un cuib pentru trupe underground care caută lansare din inima Londrei, cu un sound original încercând să găsească o șansă să se ridice deasupra. În 1989 s-au lansat official. Un folk care dă înspre blues-rock, cu texte amuzante-morbide despre sărăcie, prostituție, Londra, viață, cei trei și-au făcut un mic fan-base stabil în întreaga lume. Cantecul "Curva" al celor de la Spitalul de Urgenta e un cover Tiger Lillies, dupa cantecul "Whore". Nu am gasit melodiile care le vroiam pe net, dar si astea sunt bune:
The Tiger Lillies - Hell
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Her Room:
The Tiger Lillies - Her Room
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The Tiger Lillies - Gypsies
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Si le recomand pe astea cu mare caldura daca v-au placut cele pe care le-am postat:
Pimp Song
Heroin and Cocain
Open your legs
Prima trupă se numește DeVotchka (adică “fată” în rusă, doar că trupa e din America)
Un sunet mellow, relaxant, pășind din când în când în zone mai alerte, cântecele lor par a fi când similar când complet diferite, păstrând elementele care te-au făcut să îi iubești, dar totuși dându-ți ceva nou la fiecare cântec nou; de vocea vocalistului să nu mai vorbesc, încă îmi da fiori în unele moment. Dacă ați văzut filmul “Little Miss Sunshine” veți recunoaște sound-ul, DeVotchka fiind vinovații în spatele soundtrack-ului minunat al filmului.
How it ends:
Till the end of time:
A doua trupă mi-a dat-o un prieten din Lituania acum câteva luni, și deși de obicei nu îmi place muzica oferită de alții, trebuie să recunosc că această trupă m-a prins din prima: The Tiger Lillies.
Prin anii ’80 niște tineri băteau barurile din Camden Town, un cuib pentru trupe underground care caută lansare din inima Londrei, cu un sound original încercând să găsească o șansă să se ridice deasupra. În 1989 s-au lansat official. Un folk care dă înspre blues-rock, cu texte amuzante-morbide despre sărăcie, prostituție, Londra, viață, cei trei și-au făcut un mic fan-base stabil în întreaga lume. Cantecul "Curva" al celor de la Spitalul de Urgenta e un cover Tiger Lillies, dupa cantecul "Whore". Nu am gasit melodiile care le vroiam pe net, dar si astea sunt bune:
The Tiger Lillies - Hell
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Her Room:
The Tiger Lillies - Her Room
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The Tiger Lillies - Gypsies
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica »
Si le recomand pe astea cu mare caldura daca v-au placut cele pe care le-am postat:
Pimp Song
Heroin and Cocain
Open your legs
vineri, 8 mai 2009
The Shortcut Part 2
sorry de intarziere, fix cand postez si eu ceva in serie mi se strica calculatorul, genial:
Calm down. This place isn’t that big, and you are not lost. You will not die here. Somebody else must be in here. You look around the old, filthy factory corridor. You calm yourself trying to imagine what purpose each room served for. You hear a noise, in the distance. Every bad thought you suppressed shows its head. There is no guard in the complex. It was crack addicts who put the chains on the gates, to lock you in, to kill you. No. Calm down! It was probably a rat.
You decide to go back to the gate, shout for help. Forget the humiliation, you’ve been here too long. You turn. You can barely hold back the scream which built up in your lungs. There he is, standing there, in the middle of the corridor, twenty feet away. He must have been following you. A dirty, long-haired, weirdly dressed, old man. You were right, fucking crack addicts. What will you do?
“You are guilty!” he says.
You are baffled. That is the last thing you expected. “Guilty of what?” you ask, “I’ve done nothing!”.
“You entered the realm. All who enter are guilty until proven innocent!”
That’s bullshit, it’s stupid, just fucking idiotic, tell him that. Tell him he’s a stupid fucking crack addict. “I don’t understand. Guilty of what? I didn’t know I was supposed to enter. I’m sorry! Look, I have money!”
“Silence! You will be trialed now.”
Shit! They come out! So fucking many. Where the fuck do they all come from? Filthy morlocks. They grab, you. You panic! You smell their stench! They tie you down.
“The rock will decide you fate.” The old one speaks again. He takes a rock from his pocket, he throws it at you, but it drops just before your feet. As it stops all scream out in join.
“You have not been found innocent. You will die!”
You scream out, you protest. That wasn’t a trial. That was bullshit. You scream, you beg, you curse, you try to bribe. They throw you in a small chamber, and lock you in. You are tied up on the floor. Silence creeps in as you hear them leave. You try to calm down. This cannot be real! Then you hear something crawling up a pipe. A rat appears in the room. You hear more of them coming. Many more. This isn’t right. This shouldn’t be happening. You hear them crawling and squeaking. Squeak. This is impossible. Squeak. This is not how the plan works. Squeak. Should be home by now. Squeak. No! Squeak. Squeak. Louder. Squeak. Squeak. Wait. It isn’t “squeak” it’s “beep”. Beep-beep-beep. Of course! It’s your alarm clock. It’s seven thirty. It’s morning. Beep. It was just a dream. Beep. That’s why it didn’t make sense. Beep. It’s all clear now. It was dream. Even though you cannot move. It was just a dream. As they crawl on you, it was just a dream. As they start nabbing. As hours seem to pass, and the pain grows unbearable, it was just a dream. As you finally bleed enough to faint. As life slips from your eyes, it was just a dream. It was just a dream.
Calm down. This place isn’t that big, and you are not lost. You will not die here. Somebody else must be in here. You look around the old, filthy factory corridor. You calm yourself trying to imagine what purpose each room served for. You hear a noise, in the distance. Every bad thought you suppressed shows its head. There is no guard in the complex. It was crack addicts who put the chains on the gates, to lock you in, to kill you. No. Calm down! It was probably a rat.
You decide to go back to the gate, shout for help. Forget the humiliation, you’ve been here too long. You turn. You can barely hold back the scream which built up in your lungs. There he is, standing there, in the middle of the corridor, twenty feet away. He must have been following you. A dirty, long-haired, weirdly dressed, old man. You were right, fucking crack addicts. What will you do?
“You are guilty!” he says.
You are baffled. That is the last thing you expected. “Guilty of what?” you ask, “I’ve done nothing!”.
“You entered the realm. All who enter are guilty until proven innocent!”
That’s bullshit, it’s stupid, just fucking idiotic, tell him that. Tell him he’s a stupid fucking crack addict. “I don’t understand. Guilty of what? I didn’t know I was supposed to enter. I’m sorry! Look, I have money!”
“Silence! You will be trialed now.”
Shit! They come out! So fucking many. Where the fuck do they all come from? Filthy morlocks. They grab, you. You panic! You smell their stench! They tie you down.
“The rock will decide you fate.” The old one speaks again. He takes a rock from his pocket, he throws it at you, but it drops just before your feet. As it stops all scream out in join.
“You have not been found innocent. You will die!”
You scream out, you protest. That wasn’t a trial. That was bullshit. You scream, you beg, you curse, you try to bribe. They throw you in a small chamber, and lock you in. You are tied up on the floor. Silence creeps in as you hear them leave. You try to calm down. This cannot be real! Then you hear something crawling up a pipe. A rat appears in the room. You hear more of them coming. Many more. This isn’t right. This shouldn’t be happening. You hear them crawling and squeaking. Squeak. This is impossible. Squeak. This is not how the plan works. Squeak. Should be home by now. Squeak. No! Squeak. Squeak. Louder. Squeak. Squeak. Wait. It isn’t “squeak” it’s “beep”. Beep-beep-beep. Of course! It’s your alarm clock. It’s seven thirty. It’s morning. Beep. It was just a dream. Beep. That’s why it didn’t make sense. Beep. It’s all clear now. It was dream. Even though you cannot move. It was just a dream. As they crawl on you, it was just a dream. As they start nabbing. As hours seem to pass, and the pain grows unbearable, it was just a dream. As you finally bleed enough to faint. As life slips from your eyes, it was just a dream. It was just a dream.
marți, 5 mai 2009
luni, 4 mai 2009
The Shortcut Part 1
Nu am mai postat demult literatura, asa ca postez azi prima jumatate a unei schite Kafkaniene pe care am scris-o de curand. Enjoy. Leave a comment maybe.
You hate it when these things happen. You do! You don’t hate what happens, you hate that it happens. These little things which spoil your little plans. You are a decent man. Yes sir, you are. You are not violent, you are not vulgar, you do your job right, you have your hobbies. You don’t have vices. Sure, you drink now and then, and you smoke occasionally, when you are stressed, but you don’t feel the need to do it constantly. You don’t gamble, you don’t do whores. You don’t cheat, you don’t seek to gain advantages on the backs of your fellow men. You call your mother every week-end, and you want children one day. You’re the kind of man any man ought to be. Your only little tweak is your little plans, and it fucks you up, when shit like this happens and fucks up your plans.
Your little plans you live every moment of your life by. You wake up every day at seven (except week-ends and holidays when you wake up at eight), by seven thirty you had your breakfast, then you take a shower, you brush your teeth, you shave, in that order. You are not obsessive-compulsive, you don’t count the number of the strokes of your blade, but that’s the most effective order of doing things. You go to work, you finish 9 hours later, one hour over the program to prepare everything for the next day, you go to the train station and you take the same train every evening. You walk home, and you use the shortcut through the abandoned factory complex. The little shortcut which you found, all by yourself, and of which you are so fucking proud of. The other fucking idiots have to walk half a fucking mile around the complex, or take a cab. And they are fucking idiots compared to you, are they not?
And this is what fucks you up tonight. Because tonight you’re the fucking idiot. Because tonight the gate at the end of your fucking little short-cut is fucking locked, and there is no fucking way you could fucking get by it. So you have to turn back, and walk around, and you’re angry. Not because you have to walk all that way, but because your plan backfired, it did not work out as you had it in your head. No. And that’s why you forget about your civil ways and explode into bursts of cursing, yes, motherfucking, shitting, fucking, sucking cursing; with more cunts and dicks and arses and whores and sons of bitches than even a sailor could bare hearing.
But it does not stop here does it? No. Trouble seldom comes alone, and a plan backfires, it does it all they way. As you walk back, you see it, but you refuse to believe it. So you walk up close, and still you refuse at first to believe it, but in vain. The gate you came in is also locked. In the short period you walked to the other end of the complex, somebody locked this gate as well and there’s a fucking thick chain with a fucking big lock on the gate, and there is now way you could fucking jump it, not even fucking Houdini could fucking get out of this one.
So what now mister genius? Think. Somebody locked the gate from the inside, so somebody must be in the complex.
You start exploring the twisted labyrinth. You are uneasy. Last time you did this, when you found the shortcut, it was daylight, now it’s almost dark. But there must be someone, both gates were locked on the inside. Or there is another exit, which would suite you even better. Your anger persists, but your worries start overwhelming it. The silence of the complex is unnatural.
You hate it when these things happen. You do! You don’t hate what happens, you hate that it happens. These little things which spoil your little plans. You are a decent man. Yes sir, you are. You are not violent, you are not vulgar, you do your job right, you have your hobbies. You don’t have vices. Sure, you drink now and then, and you smoke occasionally, when you are stressed, but you don’t feel the need to do it constantly. You don’t gamble, you don’t do whores. You don’t cheat, you don’t seek to gain advantages on the backs of your fellow men. You call your mother every week-end, and you want children one day. You’re the kind of man any man ought to be. Your only little tweak is your little plans, and it fucks you up, when shit like this happens and fucks up your plans.
Your little plans you live every moment of your life by. You wake up every day at seven (except week-ends and holidays when you wake up at eight), by seven thirty you had your breakfast, then you take a shower, you brush your teeth, you shave, in that order. You are not obsessive-compulsive, you don’t count the number of the strokes of your blade, but that’s the most effective order of doing things. You go to work, you finish 9 hours later, one hour over the program to prepare everything for the next day, you go to the train station and you take the same train every evening. You walk home, and you use the shortcut through the abandoned factory complex. The little shortcut which you found, all by yourself, and of which you are so fucking proud of. The other fucking idiots have to walk half a fucking mile around the complex, or take a cab. And they are fucking idiots compared to you, are they not?
And this is what fucks you up tonight. Because tonight you’re the fucking idiot. Because tonight the gate at the end of your fucking little short-cut is fucking locked, and there is no fucking way you could fucking get by it. So you have to turn back, and walk around, and you’re angry. Not because you have to walk all that way, but because your plan backfired, it did not work out as you had it in your head. No. And that’s why you forget about your civil ways and explode into bursts of cursing, yes, motherfucking, shitting, fucking, sucking cursing; with more cunts and dicks and arses and whores and sons of bitches than even a sailor could bare hearing.
But it does not stop here does it? No. Trouble seldom comes alone, and a plan backfires, it does it all they way. As you walk back, you see it, but you refuse to believe it. So you walk up close, and still you refuse at first to believe it, but in vain. The gate you came in is also locked. In the short period you walked to the other end of the complex, somebody locked this gate as well and there’s a fucking thick chain with a fucking big lock on the gate, and there is now way you could fucking jump it, not even fucking Houdini could fucking get out of this one.
So what now mister genius? Think. Somebody locked the gate from the inside, so somebody must be in the complex.
You start exploring the twisted labyrinth. You are uneasy. Last time you did this, when you found the shortcut, it was daylight, now it’s almost dark. But there must be someone, both gates were locked on the inside. Or there is another exit, which would suite you even better. Your anger persists, but your worries start overwhelming it. The silence of the complex is unnatural.
duminică, 3 mai 2009
Reclamă: Alina Orlova
Lituanianca de 21 a surpins Europa cu muzica ei simplă și profundă și vocea ei pătrunzătoare.
Sper să vă placă:
Site-ul ei pe myspace, unde găsiți mai multe melodii de-ale ei.
Sper să vă placă:
Site-ul ei pe myspace, unde găsiți mai multe melodii de-ale ei.
sâmbătă, 2 mai 2009
Nostalgia 14: Katzenauge
probabil printre primele anime-uri care le-am vazut, pe vremea cand cuvantul anime inca nu exista in vocabularul occidental:
Ps: sugerati si voi desene romanesti sau altele din copilaria pe care sa le postez in posturi din categoria asta
Ps: sugerati si voi desene romanesti sau altele din copilaria pe care sa le postez in posturi din categoria asta
vineri, 1 mai 2009
Reclama: Muzica UOAU
Multumita unei scenete pe care am vazut-o ieri la faculta si care a folosit un cover complet nou(pentru mine) al melodiei "Creep" al trupei Radiohead am descoperit trupa SCALA AND THE KOLACNY BROTHERS, un cor de fete belgiene condus de fratii Kolacny, unul la pian-acompaniament si celalalt ca si conductor. Au cateva melodii proprii, dar marea parte a muzicii lor consta din coveruri incredibile ale diverselor melodii binecunoscute (de genul Apocalyptica doar ca nu doar rock). Rezultatul e variat si uimitor. Sper sa va placa si voua, va pun patru coveruri sa va faceti o idee:
Creep (prima care am auzit-o si care mi-a dat fiori)
Una Rammstein, da Rammstein, si suna mai melodic decat v-ati putea imagina:
Una pentru fetele(care or fi daca or fi) care citesc blogul:
si una iar pentru rockeri si mai ales fani Nirvana:
Alte coveruri includ Muse, Madonna, Depeche Mode, ABBA, Placebo si altii, asa ca nu le pierdeti din vedere.
Creep (prima care am auzit-o si care mi-a dat fiori)
Una Rammstein, da Rammstein, si suna mai melodic decat v-ati putea imagina:
Una pentru fetele(care or fi daca or fi) care citesc blogul:
si una iar pentru rockeri si mai ales fani Nirvana:
Alte coveruri includ Muse, Madonna, Depeche Mode, ABBA, Placebo si altii, asa ca nu le pierdeti din vedere.
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